* They took the paper but not this cover
Top: a skyline of a city bordering an ocean. Details and contribution of every "single building" ("single RNA molecule") can be easily appreciated. Bottom: shadow of the skyline on water (similar in shape to an RNAseq track on the UCSC browser), in which the overall form of

the "city" (transcribed region) can be appreciated but the contribution of "single buildings" ("single RNA molecules") is lost. It is now possible to sequence many RNA-molecules in their entirety and to uncoverdetails about them, that were not

visible with short-read sequencing (see article by Sharon et al. in this issue.) Artwork by Luisa Lente and biological concept by Hagen Tilgner.

Sharon D*, Tilgner H*, Grubert F, Snyder M (2013) A single-molecule long-read survey of the human transcriptome. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Nov;31(11):1009-14.
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